Saturday 11 April 2015

How Pick Pockets Trick Your Mind

How Pick Pockets Trick Your Mind !

Pick pocketing is one of the oldest and most widespread crimes in the world.The best way to prevent pick pocketing is to understand the most common pick pocketing tactics used by criminals. By learning how pickpockets do their job you can better protect your belongings and safety while travelling. The appeal is its relative safety: A skilled pickpocket can make off with just as much money as an armed robber, without much danger of confrontation or risk of being identified in a line-up. By the time the victim realizes what's happened, the pickpocket is long gone. And since no weapons are involved, pickpockets who do get caught face minimal jail time. Recently when my dad was out of city he became a victim of these thieves, so i decided to research the subject & put my findings online. I will try my best to make sure that readers can understand and be cautious in future from being victimized, as i want nobody else to face the same problem my dad faced.  So here you go..


1. Take advantage of a good Samaritan 

This is perhaps the most ruthless tactic employed by pickpockets, they distract because of the good nature of the target. This tactic works best in pairs or groups. One person will pretend to be in danger, summoning the attention of the target, while the other steals the money.

2. Stage a fight or quarrel  

They temporarily divert the person's attention away from his or her belongings by staging a fight or a quarrel. They may fight or quarrel with you or their gang members to distract you. Some of them will pretend to get into a physical fight near the victim while the third will grab the victim's wallet or purse.

3. Use sexuality 

They may use a beautiful person to distract the target while 'they' or 'their' partner steals the target's money. For Example the woman may bend down in a revealing outfit in front of the target while another pickpocket steals the wallet from his back pocket or she might do the stealing herself. 

4. Grab the target's wallet from his back pocket 

This method works best when standing in a crowded bus or train where peoples' bodies are already pressed against one another. This way, the victim won't notice the slight pressure he feels against his back pocket as his wallet is being lifted out by the thief.

5. Cut the target's purse straps 

This method is commonplace in large, crowded cities with high rates of tourism. The pickpocket will use a razor blade or a pocket knife to cut the victim's purse straps and then run away with the purse.

Now as you are aware of their devilish techniques, you should be cautious next time. I have listed some safety suggestions which you can apply to be safe.

You Should

Carry as little money as possible When possible, carry cash only so that you don't have to deal with canceling stolen credit cards.

Keep your money where you can see it 

Know where pickpockets operate Crowded tourist destinations are writhing with pickpockets, mostly because locals know that tourists carry a great deal of cash while traveling. Many governments now also have started to put sign boards such as ' beware of pickpockets'  etc.

Beware of groups Groups makes it easier to distract the target while one of the thieves grabs the money. Keep your eyes peeled for pairs and groups of pickpockets, who usually start off by surrounding their target in crowded areas and then communicate with one another through eye contact, nods, and other signals.